Monday, May 30, 2016


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit

Life is, God-given, think about that concept,

Through natural order and selection mankind is given directions,

You have a right to life, 

No man breathing has the God given authority to order the destruction of humanity,

With that simple notion, most men have no respect for so called authority, 

Freedom is, A word often heard yet is still miss understood,

The only time a man should be caged in, is in the womb,

That’s evolution when you’re born the revolution of Freedom assumes,

Allow me to elaborate, 

Cage my flesh let my mind be, block my mind you’ll set my soul free,

No man has the right to manipulate another, 

Remember the tree of life we all started out as brothers,

This means society is formed to imprison thee,

Don’t be a slave to self placed authority,

Let your soul be your guide through life, 

Then and only then will you ever be free,

Pursuit is, The drive, the thirst, the quest, the hunt and everything between,

Without the hunger for something, nothing would ever be achieved,

Most men never see true happiness in their lives,

So childish substitutes is where their attentions seem to strive,

You see a Ferrari will never be able to replace life or peace, 

Think I’m joking, offer money to the natives to make up for their deceased,

Finding your place in life is the only thing you should pursue,

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit apply these things to your life,

Deliver yourself from being used…..


Stop It, I’m American

I just can’t stand it,

Everywhere I go I’m viewed as a terrorist, I was born in this country,

My ancestors are Persian Americans, look at my face,

I’m not Black, White, Jewish, or Arab, I’m American,

Stop treating me like an outcast,

I have the same rights you do,

I don’t want your wife’s designer bag,

Stop pointing, whispering, “There goes another A-Rab“,

Stop sending me through the metal detectors twice,

The man in front of me set it off,

Why didn’t you stop him, because he’s white,

I love America, so don’t be afraid to sit next to me on a plane,

Why are you sizing me up when you walk in,

I’m not Japanese, no kamikaze over here feel free to sit next to me if you please,

Stop pointing fingers at me, I expect it from the whites but not the blacks,

I’m going through the same things you’ve been through,

I just knew you’d have my back, I guess not,

To the cops, stop searching my car just because of my skin,

I know America needs a villain, so arrest the men that create all of our problems,

Let’s see conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans,

I don’t see you arresting them,

Five to Six hundred years have passed, America you still don’t understand,

We all share the same country,

Yet we’re all different like snowflakes and grains of sand…..

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Friendly Seduction

“I’m Sorry“, she wakes up screaming this every night,

Body covered in sweat, wishing she could change her life,

“It’s too late“, she thinks to herself sitting up in bed, crying filled with self hate,

“You could have been Somebody“, listening to friends and family, your life she felt she had to take,

“He Raped You“, yells her mother, she remembers the saliva splashing in her face,

“And Now You’re Pregnant“, it’s been exactly two months since their date,

“I Hate Him and You“, says her husband as he upped and walked away,

“He was my Best Friend“, he slammed the door, she knew she’d never see him again,

“It’s All my Fault“, she cries some more thinking of her bad decision,

“But He was always Working“, she says out loud, trying to rationalize her inquisition,

“I Never Thought this would Happen“, she says, as her face filled with tears, a puddle builds inside her lap,

“If you want him back girl, Get Rid of It“, she thinks back to what her friend said in the elevator trap,

“Come On what’s a date between Friends“, that’s what he said to her the first time they went out,

“How could I be So Stupid“, she looks at the picture of her husband thinking, how much he trusted her without any doubts,

“I Wasted it ALL“, on three dinner dates and a few walks along the beach,

“I Should Have Stopped it There“, she remembers him reaching across the table caressing her lips,

“I Hated being Alone at Night“, she recalls him wanting a drink so she let him in,

“What was I Thinking“, she thought a glass of wine would be nice,

When she walked in the living room, he had already turned on the music and dimmed the lights,

“How Foolish Am I“, she thought back to them sipping wine and having laughs,

“Why Didn’t he Leave“, she remembers him making advances when she would ask for him to leave, “I Hate Him“, she tries to block it out of her mind,

Him knocking her down on hand and knees, he ripped off her clothes as she screamed out “Stop It, Please“,

“He Raped Me“, she remembers him saying, “You Like It, I’m the best you’ve ever had“, he raped her three times before he got off and ran,

“Get Rid of That Kid“, she hears it again and again playing in her mind,

“I Wish I Never Did it“, it’s too late for second thoughts about that abortion clinic,

If she would have kept the baby at least she’d have some peace,

But now her mind is Finished…..

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Memories of Love
You held me close said you’ll never leave me,
When I was hungry,
You squeezed me tighter with that I knew your love would feed me,
Carried me through my first steps, I knew you would always be with me,
And when I shed my tears, you dried my eyes, your love always greeted me,
I’d get mad with you, but to you I‘d run, you see your love it eases me,
When I dance, I dance for you, you’d see, your smile it pleases me,
While I play, you watch over me, I feel my smile it pleases thee,
See me talk I speak like you, you don’t see, your words inspire me,
I hate your pain because I feel it too, your life I live through me,
The first thing I learned was who you are, your spirit you’ve invested in me,
When I thirst you are my milk, when I’m weak you strengthen me,
In my sleep I may fuss and fight, until your gentle touch relaxes me,
On holidays we can’t give that much, yet your arms are still filled with love for us,
First day at school you drove behind the bus, you couldn’t stand to see me leave,
My first school dance you hid behind the stage, I know you didn’t want me to see,
Cap and gown day I’m standing on the stage, seeing you thanking God for me,
I never knew I could love so much until I had my own children you see…..

Tuesday, May 3, 2016



He walked through the fields of trees, grandson in tow,
Tears forming in his eyes, “Papa whatcha crying for?”,
Fawned memories of the past rushed through, in a daze,
He remembered running through those trees like it was yesterday,
Darkest of nights lit up from the houses a blaze,
“Don’t look back, I know they’re after me”,
He opened his eyes to see,
The bounty of strange fruit hanging from every trees,
He slowed down when he saw one that was still ripe,
He pushed and pulled fighting to get the fruit from it’s tree,
The more he fought for it, he knew the shorter it’s life would be,
He let go, pain and hungry filled the void in his heart,
The sound of dogs barking gets him back on his path,
His grandson pulls on his arm, it brings him out of the trance,
“Papa what’s wrong”, he said with emotional stress,
“Son, Lady Day sang it best to me“,

“There were some Strange Fruit, swinging from those trees“…..