Saturday, April 23, 2016



See my veins,
See how they are not there,
See how my arms are full of black holes from needles with blood filled nebulas,
Dying to be fed so they too can become victims and turn into black holes,
Sucking in the light and air surrounding them,
Waiting for the metal spaceship to come around,
Being pulled in by the self gravity known only to me as feening,
Anticipating that moment when it pours out into my universe,
The way toxic waste stains the body of this planet we call earth,
Watch my face as it is changing shape from the devil’s poisons,
That captivates my mind, eliminating my positive conscientiousness,
Opening the flood gates of negativity,
Poisoning my prosperity, putting me into a vegetable mind state,
Till my soul vacates,
Leaving me an empty shell of my former self,
Dreaming of the second that these poisonous effects stop,
That’s when my nightmares begin,
Being forced to rob, steal, take, even turn tricks,
Yes me turning tricks,
I’m not even a chick, but to fuel my addiction I’ll play porn star for a bit,
Sad I know,
You might call it terrible,
But to get a piece of what I feel is heaven to me,
I’ll do anything for what I feel is heavenly,
Just to get away from this hellacious world of mine for 15 seconds,
Giving me the illusions of spending eternity in bliss,
I’ll gladly dismiss,
All other things for another dose of venomous pain,
Generating an imaginary heaven where no one else is allowed to go,
Sadly though, it does not last forever,
So I wait for the day this evil takes me out, or for God to take me away…..

 Illustration: Jesus Christ Heroin Addict By: myjavier007
Poem:  Addiction By:  Slow Poet

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